03 Mar
How to Clean and Sanitize your Office
In between all the chaotic situations and uncertainties of the COVID-19 pandemic, among the foremost things to start back up is office buildings. After managing to keep our houses clean and protect ourselves within uncertain environments, but many are thinking how to perform this at their very own desk after going back to work. This is the reason why we have listed some tips to clean and sanitizing your office.
1. Ensure You Come Prepared
Before you go back to your office space, remember to take all the cleaning supplies you’ll need to utilize for sanitizing the space. It is essential you bring your own disinfectants to keep at your desk for regular use. This increases your chances of killing any germs that may get in contact with your space.
2. Consistency Is Crucial
Only because you sanitize your desk after going back to the office does not say it will remain free of germs. Ensure you sanitize your desk daily. Wipe down the area on one side and don’t wipe back over it in the opposite direction as it will gather germs that were just wiped down.
Set a reminder to sanitize may be in after you reach the office or before you leave the office. You are the one to maintain your own space’s sanitization. Also, ask your colleagues to take the required steps to sanitize the office as well. This is useful to do as part of your precautionary sanitizing routines.
On trash collection days, you can keep your bin near the office door or desk, to lessen the time for someone to reach your working area. Use disinfectant wipes for the toilet and sinks to ensure you are only touching clean and sanitized surfaces.
3. Know The Surfaces You All Touch the Most
CDC or the Centers for Disease Control mentions highly touch surfaces to be the tables, light switches, doorknobs, phones, keyboards, countertops, desks, toilets, sinks, faucets, etc. Make note of all the things you have to touch in the office on a regular day to perform your job efficiently. This covers electronics, writing elements like pens & pencils, folders, keyboards, chairs, and monitors. Remember, it is good to clean more than a little when it’s about sanitizing. Using enough precautions, like gloves, assists to reduce your chances of exposure while sanitizing.
4. Do Not Forget To Wear Your Mask
Most likely, your workplace or office has its own set guidelines and rules as to when you must be wearing masks to secure yourself against the pandemic situation. Ensure you are carrying more than one mask, so if you forget one in your vehicle or lose one at the office or anywhere else, you are lessening the chances of exposure you have while without one mask.
5. Attitude Is Still Important
The workspaces or offices of the world will require hold back for a long time before they are something like we remember them. However, one thing that does not change is the requirements for a positive and safe working atmosphere. Your desk may possess a new sanitizing routine, but understanding that your space at work is clean and not a build-up area for germs will make you feel better and more positive about returning back in.
If you are looking for sanitizing and office cleaning Halifax, Steamates delivers reliable, high-quality, and supervised cleaning solutions to residential and commercial clients in line with defined regulatory protocols. They offer all types of cleaning services including steam cleaning, residential cleaning, commercial cleaning, and office cleaning in Halifax, Ottawa, and surrounding areas.