Steam Cleaning vs Conventional cleaning

15 Jun

Steam Cleaning vs. Conventional Cleaning

Steam cleaning is a house cleaning technique that uses steam to sanitize and polish surfaces. It differs from other forms of house cleaning as it also removes spores, bacteria, and other contaminants from surfaces by thermal energy instead of mechanical agitation or chemicals. Conventional housecleaning services use water, chemicals, or other methods to clean floors, […]

carpet cleaning

05 May

Top 10 Carpet Cleaning Misconceptions You Should Know About

Cleaning your carpets is more complex than it appears. Hiring a carpet cleaner is the most acceptable approach to cleaning your carpet. But, regular misleading advice and erroneous information about carpet cleaning keep people behind leverage the same. But not anymore; we, as providers of carpet cleaning services in Halifax, are here to debunk the top […]

Pressure Washing Services

14 Jan

Pressure Washing Services: Types of Chemicals used and their Safety

A lot of people have this preconceived notion about the chemicals being used in the pressure washing services process. The most common concern is whether they are harmful for the environment or not. Let’s get that cleared here, the Halifax pressure washing services does utilize some synthetic elements to remove the stains and impurities but their quantity […]

Commercial Cleaning Services

07 Jan

Tips to Select Best Commercial Cleaning Services

Cleaning services are requisite in almost all the regions around the globe and more importantly, people are willing to pay for the same. The reason behind this is, people are very much busy with their work due to which they rarely get time to do house-related work. So, it’s absolutely conventional for people to hire […]